by i5an5attv@ | Oct 21, 2022 | blog
Kamakhya in north-east India in Assam is regarded as the most revered site of goddess worship in South Asia. Dating back to the 8th century CE, Kamakhya is described in early textual sources as the centre of Tantra. This philosophy affirmed the world as a...
by i5an5attv@ | Oct 18, 2022 | blog
What is Tantra? Here is an introduction to Tantra. Hi all, greetings to you in the auspicious month of Kartik. I will share regular articles and reflections on Tantra, my journey as a healer and client case studies. The Sanskrit word Tantra refers to an instructional...
by i5an5attv@ | Jan 20, 2021 | blog
Namaste to all of your pure souls. How have you all been? It’s been a moment that I’ve communicated via my blogs. I hope you’ve been tuned into the healing sounds that I’ve been expressing myself with. The last year was a really profound one for me on a spiritual...
by i5an5attv@ | Dec 11, 2020 | blog
Namaste, a short explanation of this Divine illustration taken from the Srimad Bhagvatam. 1. In the centre we have the original spiritual planet, which resembles the whorl of a lotus flower, it is called Goloka Vrindavana. It is the abode of Lord Krishna, the original...
by i5an5attv@ | Dec 2, 2020 | blog
Healthy Minds @UNiDAYS · Hari Trivedi - Deep Sleep Hi all, can’t believe December is here already! Many people have approached me to ask about making another track to help with sleep so it’s my pleasure to present Deep Sleep. A combination of sound waves targeting the...
by i5an5attv@ | Aug 25, 2020 | blog
Hi all, this is an article from my tantra school where I have been trained – Nowadays, both men and women are openly looking to learn more about their sexuality, wishing to deepen and expand their orgasmic potential and level of...
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